On November 22, 1963 our president was shot and killed.
At the age of forty- six; in his second year of his term. Was it the soviet
that killed John F Kennedy, father of four, as he rode through Downtown Dallas,
Texas (Goldnam)? Meanwhile, numerous conspiracy theories created.
1. Was President
John F Kennedy really assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald?
2. Did President
John F Kennedy get shot by Lyndon Johnson?
3. Was he killed by
the soviet?
How did you
see John F Kennedy? Most saw a “6'0" tall slender 175 pound
man with cool gray eyes (trivia-library)”. Who was a
beloved president and a modelfather? He had three children Caroline john and Patrick (1). Because that’s what he projected
in public, but behind the scenes he was a womanizer and a meth addict(1). He had many
affairs that included secret first marriage, relationships with movie stars Marilyn Monroe
and Marlene Dietrich, and White House flings with an intern, courier, and even his wife’s
press secretary. He was also a meth addict (1). “The man
who supposedly made him so was
renewed energy and cured their pain, and was given the codename “Dr. Feel-good” by
Kennedy’s Secret Service detail (new York post).” In the killing of John F Kennedy, there were conspiracy theories that came to the light (1). One of these theories suggested that he was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald. However, the other two involve the Soviet and Lyndon B Johnson hiring a murderer to kill him (1). So he could become president (1). The first conspiracy theory is that Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed JFK. In Dallas, Texas (1). And Later that same day an officer, Officer J. D. Tippit (1). When he was blamed of the killing because he fit the depiction (1). The first lady at the time Mrs. Kennedy wrote a letter to Mrs. Tippit because they both lost their companions in the same hour(1). It has been said that he killed him because he is a member of the communist(1). When he moved to Russia and wedded his wife, Marina Oswald Porter, and when he wanted to move back to the USA and regain his citizenship He was denied(1).
The original conspiracy theory suggests that John F
Kennedy was assassinated by
with the Soviet Union leading up To the conclusion that Castro and the Soviet Union
murdered John F Kennedy (NBC). Lee Harvey Oswald was also said to be a part of the
Soviet Union among the years of 1959-1962 and has been identified as a top-secret spy
for the Soviet Union ever since (1). Lee Harvey Oswald had just come back from staying
Kennedy murder? Many researchers think there was(1). A few point the finger at Fidel Castro, but many more point to the dangerous milieu of militant Cuban exiles, organized crime figures, and
hardliners in the CIA frustrated over Kennedy's failure to get rid of Castro(1). These three
groups were all involved together in plots to kill Fidel Castro. Did they turn their guns on
Kennedy (Cuba and Castro assignation)?” (1). The last conspiracy theory suggests that
John F Kennedy was shot by someone hired Through Lyndon B Johnson so he could take
over as president(1). Lyndon B Johnson was vice President at the time with less authority(1).
Lyndon B
Johnson was a political rival of John Kennedy (”LBJ killed JFK?”). ““After
tomorrow those god-n Kennedy will never embarrass me
again. told that to his mistress atthe time(1). The day before John F Kennedy was exterminated(1). Presidential Motorcade pulled into Daley Plaza in Dallas when Vice President Johnson’s car made a turn on Elm St. into Daley Plaza, Lyndon B. Johnson, before the first shot was fired was on the floor of His car LBJ ducked to the floor (1). Also Lyndon B Johnson’s hit man, Malcom Wallace, Fingerprints were found on a cardboard box on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository (1). Right after the assassination of JFK, Lyndon B Johnson started telling people that On a Gallup survey several conspiracy were tested(1). The results were out of a hundred percent, Seventy seven percent of people believe the Soviet Union had something to do with it (“Americans: Kennedy Assassination a Conspiracy”). Next, out of a hundred percent, seventy Five people believed Lyndon B. Johnson was involved in Kennedy’s death (1). It has been said that three quarters of America believe more than one person wad involves in Kennedy’s
On November 22,
1963 our president was shot and killed at the age of forty- six in his second year
of his term. Meanwhile, numerous conspiracy theories were created(1).
1. Was President John F Kennedy really assassinated by
Lee Harvey Oswald?
2. Did President John F Kennedy get shot by Lyndon
3. Was he killed by the Soviet?
Was it the soviet that killed John F Kennedy father of four,
as he rode through downtown Dallas, Texas (Goldnam)? And, today still no one
knows the truth
“Americans: Kennedy Assassination a Conspiracy."
Gallup.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr.
"Convinced by the Communists? Some Theorize Soviets
or Castro Inspired Oswald to Kill
NBC News." NBC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2016.
"Did LBJ Kill JFK?" WND. N.p., n.d. Web. 03
Apr. 2016.
"LBJ Killed JFK." N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2016.
"Why the Communists Killed Kennedy." Why the
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