English 1301 Spring 2016

English 1301 Spring 2016
(Works Cited Posted with Conclusions of Essays)

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Marilyn Monroe by Emily Givens

     Marilyn Monroe was such a iconic lady of the 1950’s. She was loved by many and still idolized today. They found her dead in her room on August 5, 1962 (Welkos). What really happened to the beloved Marilyn? There are many different theories portrayed about her death.

1.   Did Marilyn kill herself?

Image result for marilyn monroe2.   Where the Kennedy’s involved?

3.   Did the mafia murder her?

Character Analysis

      Let’s take a look at Marilyn Monroe and the conspiracies theories surrounding her death, with the most possible solution of death be the Kennedy’s.

     Who was Marilyn Monroe? Google “icon” and Marilyn’s picture would be right there. Marilyn was the women every young girl looked up to in the sixties. Her beautiful bleached hair and curvy body was what attracted men and some women to her. As one of her jobs as a play boy model life was pretty easy we all thought, taking pictures all the time having everything you could every want, but on that tragic day in 1962 we all wondered “why did she do this”?

      How did the world see Marilyn? She was a star, a mystery, intelligent, beautiful, shy, determined, and there are so many more out there but one thing was, she was loved by many (Stewart, Sara).  Marilyn was a real woman, and to those who knew her Monroe was a devoted, if troubled, actress who took her craft seriously (1). In interviews, they remember her as an exceptionally bright and determined woman with a sly sense of humor (Susan King, Los Angeles Times)— a far cry from the sweet but dumb blonds she played in such hits as 1953's "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes," 1955's "The Seven Year Itch" and 1959's "Some Like It Hot.” She was also someone who could be very hard to work with just because she was so insecure about herself and she wanted to make everything she did perfect (2).

          Marilyn played in the movie “Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend”, but what is funny is that she did not actually like diamonds. She never really liked expensive jewelry, the only thing she really owned where a string of pearls and a diamond ring givens to her by Joe DiMaggio (Beauty and Tips Magazine), her second husband. She also had a very hard childhood. She was put into many different foster homes. Her mother was mentally and financially not stable enough to take care of little Norma Jean (3). There were many people that wanted to adopt young Marilyn but her mother just wouldn’t budge on signing the papers (Chris Wild). After many foster homes, Monroe finally went back to her mother’s friend, Grace. While living there, Monroe was sexually assaulted by Graces husband (4). She moved a few times after that but when she was 16 she moved back in with Grace and Doc (4). They were wanting to move again but didn’t want to take Marilyn, so she married the neighbors son at the age of 16 so she wouldn’t have to go back to foster care (4). They divorced four years later, that same year she began to use the name Marilyn Monroe (4).

      “I am ‘M.M.’ I am not permitted problems, nervousness, humanness, blunders, mistakes . . . and my own thoughts,” she writes in one journal entry. In another, “Maybe I’ll never be able to do what I hope . . . but at least I have hope”. Director Liz Garbus tried to focus on what Monroe went through they all new she was insecure and somewhat depressed when she lost her baby. Monroe always tried to better herself not just to the public but to her husband (4). She had to show people she wasn’t just a dumb blonde taking pictures and being in movies. “She wasn’t dumb at all,” says actress one of the film’s readers. “She was smart — and very well-read. She read all the time, trying to educate herself. But she was fragile. She didn’t have the strength that someone gets if they have a loving mother and father. She was knocked around in foster homes, and she just didn’t have any psychological solidity”. Marilyn wrote every little thing down. She felt like that helped her express her problems and feelings without rubbing anyone the wrong way.

     Monroe was very confident looking she presented herself very well mannered, well sometimes. When she would walk into a room all eyes focused on her, and she knew people were looking right her. She shined like a big star, people dreamed of being her and looking like her, but in all honesty Monroe was tired of having to be perfect for everyone and even herself. These are the famous words of Monroe "I knew I belonged to the public and to the world, not because I was talented or even beautiful, but because I had never belonged to anything or anyone else."
Image result for marilyn monroe
    Conspiracy Descriptions (Main Idea and Details with Survey Results)

          In the death of Marilyn, three main theories are sought out. One of the theories suggest that she had overdosed on drugs, and committed suicide, the other two involve two different murders, both connecting to the Kennedy’s.

     The first conspiracy theory composes that Marilyn was just so depressed about her life she killed herself by taking pills before she had went to bed. When the investigators showed up the house and saw Marilyn lying there necked with the phone in one hand and pills scattered all over the place (A&E Publisher). The police just jumped to conclusion saying it was a suicide. They knew she was depressed so they really never even bothered to look further into her death (5). Marilyn had tried to kill herself a few years before so that made it seem more likely that she had killed herself knowing this wasn’t the first time. When they did her autopsy they did find drugs in her system but the thing about it is they were in her blood stream not her stomach where the pills should have been (5).

      The second conclusion is, John F. Kennedy had killed Marilyn. John and Marilyn had a secret relationship while Kennedy was serving as the president of the Untied States. John would sneak her into his room through the secret tunnels in the white house. Monroe was threating to tell political secrets that had been shared to her by both of the brothers (Maria Vultaggio). By that time Bobby Kennedy wanted to shut her up so he did what he had to do and he killed her (6). Supposedly the murder was conducted by giving her a lethal injection, via enema. Traces of pills where not found on her stomach during the autopsy, in fact there was also nothing to drink with the pills to help her swallow them. There also wasn’t any vomit, that usually happens when you over dose on pills. The Kennedys where very sneaky people, they didn’t want to ruin their reputation over one women, so they did what they had to do and killed young Marilyn.

     The last and final theory is that the mafia had killed Monroe. The night before her death she was at the Frank Sinatra lodge (Daniel Bates). She was spotted with the mafia boss Sam  Giancana that night. Kennedy had a little go around with the mafia. The way things happened it sounds like the Kennedys hired Sam to do all the dirty work for him so he could keep his hands clean from the whole situation (7).

     Why do the Kennedys still remain the number one cause of her death? Because all of the things, a president could do and get away with. John had so much power in is hands when he had committed this murder that should have had never happened. Yes Monroe should have just stayed out of the president’s political business, but it should have been just as right for Mr. President to not say a word to his side girlfriend about what was going on with his life.

     Monroe was such a seductive young women, she could have just looked at you, and you would have fallen for her in that split second. To this, day she is still loved and this mystery still remain’s not unsolved. No one knew really exactly what had happened on that day in August of 1962. The Kennedys are both dead and the mafia boss went missing in 1975 (7). All this remains unknown, maybe if Monroe just ignored JFK she would be alive to this very day.


     On August 5, 1962, the iconic lady of the 50’s suddenly died. Our beloved Marilyn was dead. The results of her death led to three conspiracy theories.

1.   Did Marilyn kill herself?

Image result for marilyn monroe movies2.   Where the Kennedy’s involved?

3.   Did the mafia murder her?

Even today, 53 years after the beautiful blonde bomb shell had died, her death still remains a mystery. The Kennedy’s still are in the eye of the public linking toward her tragic accident.


Stewart, Sara. "Personal Letters Reveal Marilyn Monroe's Inner Turmoil." New York Post Personal Letters Reveal Marilyn Monroes Innerturmoil Comments. 2013. Web. 10 May 2016. <http://nypost.com/2013/06/13/personal-letters-reveal-marilyn-monroes-inner-turmoil/>.

King, Susan. "Marilyn Monroe: People Who Knew Her Recall the Real Person." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 2012. Web. 10 May 2016. <http://articles.latimes.com/2012/aug/04/entertainment/la-et-mn-marilyn-monroe-memories-20120804>.

"10 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT MARILYN MONROE YOU PROBABLY DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT." Beauty And Tips Magazine. Web. 10 May 2016. <http://www.beautyandtips.com/inspirational-people/10-interesting-facts-about-marilyn-monroe-you-probably-didnt-know-about />.

Wild, Chris. "A Young Marilyn Monroe with Her Mother at the Beach." Mashable. 2015. Web. 10 May 2016. <http://mashable.com/2015/03/01/marilyn-monroe-child/#5Q8uSKeJgkqS>.

"Why the Mafia Had to Murder Marilyn Monroe." World. Web. 11 May 2016. <http://www.scotsman.com/news/world/why-the-mafia-had-to-murder-marilyn-monroe-1-1375559>.

York, Daniel Bates In New. "Marilyn Monroe 'spent Her Last Night with Mafia Boss Sam Giancana at Frank Sinatra's Lodge'" Mail Online. Associated Newspapers. Web. 11 May 2016. <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1381431/Marilyn-Monroe-spent-night-mafia-boss-Sam-Giancana-Frank-Sinatras-lodge.html>.

"Marilyn Monroe Is Found Dead." History.com. A&E Television Networks. Web. 11 May 2016. <http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/marilyn-monroe-is-found-dead>.

"Marilyn Monroe Death Conspiracy Theories: How Did Norma Jean Die? [PHOTOS]." International Business Times. 2015. Web. 11 May 2016. <http://www.ibtimes.com/marilyn-monroe-death-conspiracy-theories-how-did-norma-jean-die-photos-1944669>.

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